Palaver Tree's GivingTuesday fundraiser
A Note from Palaver Tree’s Founder:
Earlier this year, I announced that this season would be Palaver Tree’s last. The response from the community came as quite a shock to me. The outpouring of love and support has been a bit overwhelming.
I have always known we were doing more than theatre. Once I gave that announcement, the calls began. People would arrive at the building unannounced to ask what they could do. Some would call or drop by to pray with me in hopes that we’d keep going. It changes something within you upon recognizing how your actions can change others. For me, these one-on-one and group conversations helped clarify both Palaver Tree’s intentions and purpose.
When we first moved into the 59 Shadeville Road building, we paid property taxes for three years. We also paid off a bank loan that allowed us to remodel the space and purchase equipment. We were moving right along when the pandemic hit. As hard as that was for everyone, it shifted our focus for the better.
We were aggressive in developing our community events instead of focusing on theatrical shows. We used movie screenings, discussion groups, music events, and exhibits to help our neighbors get back to being around people again. We did this on a property – in a space – where both friends and strangers were welcomed.
It takes a great deal of effort to come back from a life-changing event like that. Our volunteers knew this. Recently, a few of them reached out to me because they wanted to start a campaign to keep Palaver Tree going.
The goal of this campaign is to help partially with our rental costs of the building, as well as with the annual insurance costs.
1. GoFundMe page:
2. Here at this Palaver Tree:
3. Facebook: Visit our Palaver Tree Theater page and donate to our Facebook campaign.
4. Write / Mail a check to:
Palaver Tree Theater
P.O. Box 541
Crawfordville, Florida 32326
All donations are tax deductible.
We hope that you will consider donating to Palaver Tree Theater this year.
Thank you.
Herb Donaldson